安全资讯 | 关于领取《驻校证》等相关事项的通知
All international students:
According to the arrangement from the university, students who are living on campus should receive the Campus Residence License. You should use campus services ONLY with the license. Here are some tips for you:
How to Receive My License
Please take your passport, Student ID, and a one-inch photo to the following locations on January 28 (TODAY) from 16:00-20:00. Please keep it safely as we will not provide you with another one if you lose it.
Balitai Campus: the front desk of Yiyuan NO.2 building & NO.4 building
Jinnan Campus: the front desk of International Student Apartment B
It is also fine if you do not have a photo with you. But you should paste your photo after receiving the license as it is only valid with a photo and stamp. You may contact coordinators or counselors if you need something else.
离校管理 Can I leave the campus?
1. 自1月28日起,非特殊情况一律不得离开校园。确实需要离校的,需先行联系辅导员或各项目负责老师,得到允许后,上交《南开大学国际学生新冠期间申请离校表》(点击文末“阅读原文”)(拍照发给辅导员或项目负责老师,原件交至住宿前台),携带本人护照、一卡通和《驻校证》进出校园。
From today (January 28) on, all students are NOT allowed to leave the campus. If you have to leave with a special issue, you must contact your counselors or coordinators for permission first and submit an application form (please see the "read more" at the bottom) (send an electronical one to the teacher and leave the hard copy to the front desk). When you leave and (or) enter the campus, you must bring your passport, Student ID card, and Campus Residence License with you.
2. 自1月28日起,已领取《驻校证》的同学,如要回国,需先向辅导员或各项目负责老师汇报,上交《南开大学国际学生新冠期间申请离校表》(拍照发给辅导员或项目负责老师,原件交至住宿前台)。经辅导员或项目负责老师允许后方可离校,同时将《驻校证》交至本人住宿所在前台。离开后未得到学校返校通知不得返回。
From today (January 28) on, students who have received the Campus Residence License should follow the instructions above when you have to leave the campus. You will not be allowed to leave until you receive the permission and submit your Campus Residence License to your dorm's front desk. You are NOT allowed to be back unless you receive the official announcement of the university's start date.
校园管理 Living on campus
Dormitory: from the morning of January 29th, 2020, only people with Campus Residence License and Student ID card can enter the dorm.
Canteen: from January 29th, you are only allowed to enter the canteens with a valid Campus Residence License and regular body-temperature.
Delivery: From January 28th, 7:00am, students of Balitai Campus could only receive your deliveries outside the access control; Students of Jinnan Campus could receive outside the campus gate.
Academic buildings, gym (swimming pools, sports etc), and libraries are suspended during the time. Please do not worry about the books you borrowed from the library as you won't be charged for more fees; Net-resources are open for 24 hours. Labs are only allowed to open with valid permissions.
其他 Students who are off-campus
Students who are not on campus now, in accordance with the requirements of the local health and epidemic prevention departments, please do your best to prevent and control related work to minimize the risk of infection. At the same time, take the initiative to keep in touch with the counselors or the coordinators and cooperate with the college to make a health report, especially to report the diagnosis, suspected or isolated observation in a timely manner.
防疫面前 人人有责
Please click "read more" to receive the application form to leave the campus.